Contract 1754860 Refurbishment of Canowindra Library and CHS Building

CONTRACT No 1754860

Refurbishment of Canowindra Library and CHS Buliding

Tenders Closing

Tenders close at 12:00 noon, Wednesday, 5th February, 2025

All submissions must be uploaded via VendorPanel

Tenders are invited from suitably qualified and experienced contractors and service providers to supply services within the Cabonne Shire Council areas of service.

Documentation may be obtained from Cabonne Shire Council’s website or e-tendering website: 



Tenders must be lodged in accordance with the requirements detailed in the request for tender documents.

All tenders must comply with the NSW Code of Practice for the Construction Industry. 

The Principal shall not be bound to accept the lowest or any tender.


Bradley Byrnes

General Manager

P.O. Box 17