Draft Cabonne Asset Management Policy

No longer on display. Expired on 23 June 2022, 11:55 PM

Cabonne Council, at its Ordinary Meeting on 24 May 2022, endorsed the Draft Cabonne Asset Management Policy to be placed on exhibition for consideration of the public. 

The Asset Management Policy provides the principles around which council will undertake its custodianship of this infrastructure and supporting assets, and at a high level, how this management will integrate with other strategic planning documents.

The Draft Cabonne Asset Management Policy can be download below:
Draft-Cabonne-Asset-Management-Policy.pdf(PDF, 111KB)

Written submissions should be emailed to council@cabonne.nsw.gov.au or addressed to:

The General Manager
PO Box 17
Molong NSW 2866

Submissions close at midnight Thursday, 23 June 2022.