Cabonne Community Centre


The Cabonne Community Centre (CCC) was officially opened on 1 December 2023 by Cabonne Mayor Kevin Beatty, the Hon. Stephen Jones MLC, and Mr Phil Donato MP, Member for Orange.

The Cabonne Community Centre's modernised building facilities will activate Molong's CBD, adding an accessible community function centre and local Library.

The Molong Library, which was formally located at the Railway Station, has been closed for over 12 months due to the November 2022 flooding event. It is now back up and running in a new modernised building.

The space incorporates:

  • Community hall facilities to allow for public meetings and community functions.
  • A library facility with capacity for meetings, study, technology connection and delivery of community-centric programs. 
  • An exhibition area integrated with the public space.
  • Commercial kitchen for providing catering for community activities. 

The Cabonne Community Centre has been jointly funded by the NSW Government, State Library NSW, and Council contributing towards the project.





98 Bank St, Molong 2866  View Map

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