Council's Plans and Policies

Local Environmental Plans

A Local Environmental Plan (LEP) is the primary local planning instrument that sets a range of controls for development in the Shire.  This includes, but is not limited to, zoning of land and permissible land uses, the minimum lot size for subdivision and dwellings, heritage conservation, and key development controls to protect the environment, minimise land use conflicts, and promote sustainable development. 

The current plan is Cabonne Local Environmental Plan 2012

A copy of the LEP can be viewed or downloaded at Cabonne Local Environmental Plan 2012.

Please note that the zoning maps associated with this plan are also available through the web link.


Development Control Plans

It is the role of a DCP to provide more detailed controls for specific development types, issues and places that are suited to Cabonne and the community's desired development outcomes.  

The current adopted development control plans in Cabonne are:

DCP Date In Force 
DCP 2 - West Canowindra Rural Small Holdings(PDF, 340KB) 16 November 1992 
DCP 3 - Weemelah Rural Small Holdings(PDF, 305KB) 16 November 1992
DCP 4 - Longs Corner Road Rural Small Holdings(PDF, 221KB) 16 November 1992 
DCP 5 - General Rural Zones(PDF, 188KB) 1 December 1992
DCP 6 - Rural Small Holdings(PDF, 458KB) 1 December 1992
DCP 7 - North Street Canowindra Industrial(PDF, 33KB) 24 June 1992 
DCP 8 - North Molong Industrial(PDF, 29KB) 25 January 1995 
DCP 9 - Strathnook Lane Rural Small Holdings(PDF, 1MB) 24 December 1999 
DCP 10 - Flood Prone Land in Molong(PDF, 202KB) 8 November 2005
DCP 13 - Advertising Signage in Conservation Areas (Molong and Canowindra)(PDF, 1MB) 20 November 2000
DCP 16 - Interim Guidelines for Development of Flood Prone Land in Eugowra- Amendment 1(PDF, 2MB) 11 February 2010 
DCP 15 - Relocatable and Transportable Homes - Amendment 1 (PDF, 172KB)  29 May 2024

Please note that over time some DCP's are repealed and so no longer apply. These are not listed above.


Development Contributions Plans

Development may trigger a requirement to pay contributions towards public services and facilities such as road transport and maintenance, pedestrian ways, and pathways under Section 7.11 or 7.12 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. The contribution rates are set out in each plan.

Cabonne-Council-Section-7.11-Contributions-Plan-Heavy-Vehicles.pdf(PDF, 434KB)

Cabonne-Council-Section-7.12-Development-Contributions-Plan.pdf(PDF, 283KB)


Community Participation Plan

Our Community Participation Plan (CPP) is designed to make participation in planning clearer for the NSW community. It does this by setting out in one place how and when you can participate in the planning system, our functions and different types of proposals. This CPP also establishes our community participation objectives which we use to guide our approach to community engagement.

Community Participation Plan(PDF, 365KB)

Council Policies & Guidelines

There may be other Council policies or guidelines that apply to your development.  Please contact Council to discuss your development and find out about other matters that may affect desired development outcomes.