Yeoval facing Level 5 water restrictions
Published on 23 December 2019
Less than 10 days after moving to Level 4 water restrictions, Yeoval residents are facing even tougher restrictions in coming weeks.
Insufficient supply in the Buckinbah Creek and unreliable groundwater availability have forced Cabonne Council to introduce Level 5 restrictions in the village from Sunday 5 January 2020, unless there is heavy rain in the meantime.
This means that:
Level 5 Extreme
Watering of Lawns
Not Permitted
Watering of gardens
Only with bucket or watering can each Sunday between 6pm and 8pm (daylight savings time)
Hand-held hoses, watering systems, non-fixed sprinklers, microsprays, drip systems and soaker hoses not permitted at any time
Irrigation of new turf
Not Permitted
Topping up, filling garden water features
Not Permitted
Washing down walls or paved surfaces
Not Permitted
Topping up swimming pools/spas
Not Permitted
First fill of swimming pools/spas
Not Permitted
Inflatable or temporary children’s pools
Not Permitted
Washing cars at home
Not Permitted
Use of evaporative air-conditioners
Permitted only between 7am-midnight each day. Exemptions may be granted to aged accommodation or nursing homes
Construction industry eg. Mortar or concrete mix
Construction – wash down, paint preparation, curing etc
Business must implement and comply with Water Saving Action Plan
The Yeoval reticulated system supplies residents with chlorinated raw water only, which is non-portable. Providing alternative sources of drinking water is the responsibility of each householder.
Residents’ assistance in reducing water consumption is imperative to maintain sufficient supply for essential household purposes. However, Level 5 water restrictions are enforceable under the NSW Local Government Act and failing to comply with the restrictions can result in a fine of up to $220.
Anyone seeking further information is invited to contact Cabonne Council’s Engineering Department on 63907100.