Take a Well-being Vacation
Published on 26 October 2020
Looking after your well-being and connecting with others is even more important when there is a lot of uncertainty.
Join us for a virtual workshop as we take off on a powerful, creative, fun and interactive learning journey.
Give yourself the time and space to bring some calm to the chaos and focus on YOU!
This is a really perfect activity for our current COVID times - with movement being restricted why should that stop us taking a little vacation to boost our well-being! Happier people are higher performing.
Enjoy the connection and support of other women, and return from your virtual Well-being Vacation feeling focused, inspired, supported and connected, more in control, and ready to take action for change.
Join your hostess, Cynthia Mahoney, as you relax and take the space to come together online with a group of women to think about your well-being and develop strategies on how to prioritise selfcare during these uncertain times.
Learn how to:
• use positive psychology techniques to boost well-being;
• let go of excess baggage and give yourself permission to say NO;
• identify personal warning signs during times of stress and develop strategies for managing yourself through tough times.
There are two sessions available, each running for 2.5 hours on Monday 9 November 2020. Session times are as follows:
12PM - 2:30PM
7PM - 9:30PM
Cynthia will also be running two check in sessions as a follow up to your well-being vacation on Monday 23 November. Session times are as follows:
12PM - 1PM
7PM - 8PM
Select your first session by clicking the link and signing up, and you will be sent the link to your 2.5 hour session and corresponding 1 hour follow up session. We will send out these links in the week before the session.