Nyrang Creek Bridge Replacement Opening

Published on 01 July 2024

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Finally! After securing funding to ensure that Nyrang Creek Bridge was built back to a better standard, the bridge linking Canowindra and Eugowra was opened to traffic on Friday, 28 June 2024.


The Nyrang Creek Bridge Replacement was funded by the NSW Government as a result of the bridge being washed away during both the November 2022 and November 2021 flooding events.


Council’s focus on recovery and building back a better Cabonne emphasised the importance of enhancing the bridge’s design to mitigate safety risks associated with its structure. A ‘betterment’ option was sought for the reconstruction which would enable the instalment of a larger bridge to provide some flood mitigation during future flood events (1 in 20 year flood), as opposed to reinstating the original structure.


Sincere thank you to the local community for their patience as Council advocated for this betterment funding.