Local Government Elections Postponed until 4 December 2021
Published on 26 July 2021
The NSW Government has announced a new date for the local government elections has been set for Saturday 4 December 2021.
The decision was made after extensive consultation with and on advice from the NSW Electoral Commission and NSW Health to the COVID-19 situation.
In a Circular released by the Office of Local Government (OLG), it was stated that the current councillors and popularly elected mayor will continue to hold their civic offices until council elections are held on the new date. The postponement of the next ordinary local government elections will not affect the timing of future council elections, with the subsequent ordinary local government elections still scheduled to proceed in September 2024.
Updates to electoral rolls will now remain open until 25 October, so make sure to enrol to vote. Candidate nominations will open on the same date.
The NSW Electoral Commission is working hard to progressively update their website and information as they undertake replanning of the elections. Council will be endeavouring to update the information, as we receive it, on this site. Thank you for your patience in the coming days and weeks.
Please keep up to date with all the information on the Local Government Elections right here on Cabonne Council’s webpage.