Cabonne Settlement Strategy Review
Published on 10 November 2020
Cabonne Council has engaged iPlan Projects to undertake a review of the Cabonne Settlement Strategy. The current settlement strategy was adopted in 2012 and informed the preparation of the Cabonne Local Environmental Plan 2012. The plan has now been in effect for eight (8) years, during which time Cabonne has experienced growth in both population and number of dwellings.
The review will identify land use strategies to identify an appropriate supply of land for growth in residential areas and settlements for the next 20 years. The strategy also seeks to include the R5 Large Lot Residential areas into the strategy that were previously considered under the Council’s of Blayney, Cabonne and Orange Sub-Regional Rural and Industrial Land Strategy 2008.
As part of the review, Cabonne Council will be holding pop up engagement sessions in Canowindra, Eugowra. Molong and Mullion Creek:
Monday 30 November outside the Old Vic Inn, Gaskill Street, Canowindra
10am – 12pm AND 4pm – 6pm
Tuesday 1 December at the Eugowra Community Bowls & Recreation Club, Hill Street, Eugowra
4pm – 6pm
Wednesday 2 December at the Bank Street Kiosk, Molong, Molong
10am – 12pm AND 4pm – 6pm
Thursday 3 December at the Mullion Creek Recreation Reserve, Long Point Road, Mullion Creek.
4pm – 6pm
In the event you are unable to attend one of the engagement sessions, you are invited to contact Council’s Development Services team on 02 6392 3265 to arrange a suitable time.