Cabonne Community Centre Project Design Progresses

Published on 28 April 2020

Cabonne Community Centre_3D frontage.png

Following a series of workshops with key stakeholders in the community a final concept design has been produced for the new Library and Community Centre in Molong. The final concept, titled Option D, has captured the needs and expectations of the community uncovered during the workshop process, then aligned these expectations within the allocated construction budget.

The final concept design provides the layout, elevations and functionality of the building to move the project on to the next phase of detailed design and approvals. 

development application (DA) is required to be lodged with preliminary planning works underway in preparation for submission in June 2020. At the DA submission stage, there will be further opportunity for public viewing and comment on the detailed design.

Detailed engineering design will commence on structural and service components of the building and is expected to be completed towards the end of the calendar year. Tendering of the project is expected to be undertaken early in 2021 with construction to be completed by May 2022.

Click on the link below to view the final concept design:

 Cabonne-Community-Centre-3D-presentation.pdf(PDF, 17MB)

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