Published on 18 September 2018
A broken water main in Molong on Monday occurred in one of two reticulation zones which service different areas in the town. The break on the corner of Edward and Molong Streets occurred about 3pm and services were restored about 7.30pm despite the age and configuration of the mains complicating the repair work undertaken by Cabonne Council crews. The broken main was in Zone 1 of the Molong reticulation system. Homes in Zone 1 are fed from the Molong Treatment Plant while the supply in Zone 2 comes from the Gidley Street reservoir. The location of the break required multiple stop valves to be closed to enable repairs to start. The line to Molong Hospital, King Street and Castle Street was one of the mains which needed to be closed. Cabonne Council apologises for any inconvenience and assures residents repairs were undertaken as quickly as possible to ensure water supplies were restored as soon as possible.