Proposal to re-establish alcohol free and alcohol prohibited zones
Published on 18 June 2019
Cabonne Council is seeking comments or submissions from members of the public on its proposal to re-establish alcohol free zones and alcohol prohibited zones and amendment to the ‘Alcohol Control in Public Places Policy’.
Council in 1999 established a series of alcohol free zones and alcohol prohibited zones at Canowindra and Molong. These areas included:
Alcohol Free Zone
Molong – Bank Street from Edward Street to the Mitchell Highway
Canowindra – Gaskill Street from Ferguson Street to Tilga Street
Canowindra – the area from Gaskill Street to, and including, the Swinging Bridge
Alcohol Prohibited area
Molong – Village Green
Canowindra – Morris Park and Memorial Park.
Alcohol free zones as prescribed by the Local Government Act 1993 apply to roads, and public car parks. The zone applies 24 hours, seven per week.
Alcohol prohibited areas may be applied to parks, sporting ovals and public reserves and may be time limited.
It is suggested that the Cabonne Council zones be re-established for a four year period.
To permit licensing of outdoor dining areas within an Alcohol Free Zone the council’s ‘Alcohol Control in Public Places Policy’ would require an amendment by inclusion in part 11 of that policy when addressing Alcohol Free Zones of a statement that reads as follows:
‘Implementation of these zones would not prevent the consumption of alcohol in any footpath dining areas that have a liquor license covering the footpath dining areas.’
The proposal and amended policy is currently on public exhibition until Friday, 19 July 2019 and can be viewed at Cabonne Council’s offices at Molong, Cudal and Canowindra or on Council’s website at
Comments and submissions may be lodged in writing to the General Manager, PO Box 17, Molong NSW 2866 or by emailing Council at by 5pm on Friday, 19 July 2019.
HJ Nicholls PO Box 17
Acting General Manager Molong NSW 2866