Tourism Events Sponsorship Guidelines

Events provide us with points of celebration and opportunities for participation that takes us beyond everyday experiences. They connect communities, attract visitors, and provide insight into the Cabonne area.


A variety of creative and unique event formats presents the opportunity to attract visitation from outside Cabonne and contribute to the economic, social, and cultural framework of our region. A balanced calendar of events offers visitors and residents a range of tourism, sporting, arts and celebratory activities that bring life, colour, vitality and community engagement to the area and surrounding regions.

The Aim of Cabonne Council’s Sponsorship Program is to deliver benefit to the Cabonne community and economy through a range of strong and engaging events. The events must establish a mutually beneficial partnership between Council and the community, whilst being able to identify economic, social and cultural benefits to the Cabonne area.

 The key criteria for the Sponsorship Program:

  • Must align with Council’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework.
  • Event must be able to provide evidence of their Public Liability Insurance of at least $20M and all other required approvals.
  • Must Identify economic, social and cultural benefits to the Cabonne Local Government Area.

 Please read the Cabonne Sponsorship Guidelines before completing the application.


Click here to view form.