Overgrown Residential Land

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Property owners are responsible for ensuring that their property is maintained. This means keeping properties in residential areas free of long grass and
vegetation, as well as waste.

Problems between neighbours about overgrown premises are generally matters to be resolved between the owners. Often people are unaware that their activity or lack of property maintenance is causing a problem to others.

It is recognised that not all residents have the desire to keep their properties in a ‘park like’ condition and this should be taken into consideration before contacting Council. Council may assist in investigating overgrown premises issues and providing advice for possible solutions to affected landowners. However, where there is not a threat to public health and safety, Council has limited powers to intervene

If you are concerned that the condition of the vegetation on a property poses a fire risk, please contact the Rural Fire Service on their website: www.rfs.nsw.gov.au

This process can take several months before a final outcome is achieved due to seasonal considerations and the appropriateness of treatments according to growth levels.

What can I do?

Often property owners are unaware that their lack of property maintenance is causing a problem, and are usually happy to address the problem after being notified.

Council encourages residents to talk to their neighbours, where possible, about the problem and to seek a mutually suitable solution.

What can Council do?

If you contact Council and the complaint received indicates that the property is a fire risk, Council may refer the matter to the NSW RFS for assessment.

If the property is not deemed to be a fire risk, the matter will be referred back to Council who may inspect and assess the property to determine whether the property is overgrown.

Should the property be inspected, the person who lodged the complaint will be informed of the outcome.