Tenders, Requests for Quotes and Expressions of Interest

All information and specifications about current Tenders, Requests for Quotes and Expressions of Interest called by Cabonne Council can be viewed below.

Cabonne Council also advertised tenders on the Tenderlink e-tendering system and Vendor Panel for many of its tenders.

Chain of Responsibility (CoR)

Cabonne Council would like all potential tenderers and successful contractors to be aware of your responsibility under the Chain of Responsibility (CoR) that has been implemented by The National transport Commission. The Commission has developed guidelines that can be found at www.ntc.gov.au. We have included below a CoR table of responsibilities and a CoR checklist for you to review and comply with. This will be an area that we will work with contractors on over the coming time to ensure we are all compliant in this area

NHVR CoR Checklist(PDF, 89KB)

NHVR CoR Table of Responsibilities(PDF, 290KB)