No longer on display. Expired on
12 April 2021, 05:00 PM
Cabonne Council and iPlan Projects have prepared the Draft Cabonne Settlement Strategy 2021-2041 that sets out the future growth potential for all of the key settlements in Cabonne. At its February Ordinary Meeting, Cabonne Council resolved to place the Draft Strategy on public exhibition for a period of no less than 28 days, from Monday 8 March 2021 to Monday 12 April 2021.
This Strategy is important as it will help guide decision-making by Council and the NSW Government on areas for future business and residential expansion over the next 20 years. It considers locations for infill development in existing urban zones and, if required, expansion of urban areas into surrounding rural areas.
This may affect the character of a settlement, its amenity, or future development opportunities on the land in the settlement, therefore it is important to submit any feedback you may have.
The Strategy is broken down into three main documents, the Settlement Options Paper, the Local Profile & Issues Paper, and the Settlement Implementation Paper. A copy of these documents are available for download on this page. The documents can also be viewed in hardcopy at the Council offices in Molong, Cudal and Canowindra, or by contacting your progress association.
Should you wish to discuss the Draft Settlement Strategy, you can contact Cabonne Council on (02) 6392 3200. For more specific feedback, Cabonne Council’s Department Leader of Development Services, Chris Eldred, will be available for individual meetings from Tuesday 6 April to Friday 9 April. Please call Council’s Development Services on (02) 6392 3265 to arrange an appointment.
There is no standard form for a submission / letter though you should ensure it includes:
- Your name and contact details (address/phone/email) so Council can respond to you;
- Clearly state that your submission relates to the Draft Settlement Strategy;
- Details of any specific land that concerns you (Street address and/or Lot/DP number);
- Provide as much detail as possible about the particular aspects of the Draft Strategy that you agree/disagree with and provide reasons for your comments;
- You sign and date your submission;
- If you have made a donation or gift to a Councillor, candidate for election, or Council employee in the last two years then please attach a completed Disclosure Statement of Political Donations and Gifts (Form No.005)(PDF, 78KB) (paper copies available at Council Offices).
You can provide your submission to Council in the following ways:
- Email to:
- Post to: c/- General Manager, Cabonne Council, PO Box 17, Molong NSW 2866
- Hand delivered to: Council’s offices at Molong (Bank Street) or Cudal (Main Street)
- Or via the form below