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29 July 2022, 11:59 PM
Draft Orange Region Destination Management Plan
Cabonne, Orange and Blayney Councils are working on a new Destination Management Plan to boost the region’s visitor economy for the next four years.
The Draft Destination Management Plan provides a guide to the long-term growth and sustainability of the Orange region's visitor economy with a unified vision and prioritised goals.
The draft Destination Management Plan (DMP) for the Orange Region has been prepared by consultants, Urban Enterprise.
The plan was prepared after:
- background document reviews
- community and business surveys
- an analysis of historical and recent visitor data
- assessments of tourism infrastructure and products
- workshops with industry and Council stakeholders
- a gap analysis
- an events analysis, and
- one-on-one interviews.
The proposed plan is now on show for community comment, and feedback will be sought from the communities of all three local council areas. This feedback will inform the final version of the DMP, which will come back to the Councils for endorsement.
Draft-Orange-Region-Destination-Management-Plan.pdf(PDF, 9MB)
The Draft Destination Management Plan is on exhibition through all three Councils websites.
Comments and submissions may be lodged in writing to the General Manager, PO Box 17, Molong NSW 2866 or by emailing Council at
For making an online comment and to read comments by others please follow the link below to Orange City Council's website.
Orange Region Destination Management Plan | Your Say Orange (
All submission must be submitted by 11:59pm on Friday, 29 July 2022.