No longer on display. Expired on
29 February 2024, 05:00 PM
Council has been undertaking a revised and updated flood study and plan for Molong over the past year. The review has progressed to a draft flood study being completed in preparation for public exhibition.
The Molong Flood Study seeks to define the extent of flooding experience by Molong for varying flood frequencies. An updated flood model has been produced through this process which takes advantage of new flood modelling techniques (2D modelling vs 1D modelling), and updated rainfall and runoff information (Australian Rainfall and Runoff guidelines 2019).
Further, the new flood study was developed through calibration with more recent flood events, being 26 November 2021 and 13-14 November 2022.
This model was confirmed from feedback from a community questionnaire distributed to residents of Molong.
Exhibition is planned to open from mid-December 2023 and close mid- February 2024. This will allow for an exhibition period of 2 months to
accommodate for the Christmas and New Year break.
A public information session has been tentatively booked for 1 February 2024, where the flood consultants will be available to meet with the community to go through the flood study and discuss the findings.
Following public exhibition, the flood study is scheduled to be presented to Council’s March Ordinary Meeting for adoption. It is proposed to return the flood study to the Floodplain Management Committee for consideration prior to presenting the final study for adoption.
The Draft Molong Flood Study is on public exhibition until Thursday, 29 February 2024 at 5pm.
Comments and submissions may be lodged in writing to the General Manager, PO Box 17, Molong NSW 2866 or by emailing Council at by 5pm on Thursday, 29 January 2024.