Mandagery Creek Bridge Replacement
The NSW Government is replacing the bridge over Mandagery Creek on the Henry Parkes Way at Manildra. The new $12 million bridge will be stronger, safer and provide pedestrian access.
Project background
The Mandagery Creek Bridge at Manildra was built in the 1930s. It is showing signs of deterioration, has narrow deck widths and does not meet modern design standards. A proposal to replace the bridge was developed by Transport for NSW and the concept design and Review of Environmental Factors (REF) was finalised in late 2020.

The existing bridge is showing signs of deterioration and needs replacing
The project will include the staged demolition of the existing bridge and the staged construction of a new wider concrete bridge with pedestrian footpath on the northern side of the bridge.
Some preliminary works have already been carried out to make way for the new bridge. These include vegetation removal, road approach upgrades and the relocation of the electrical supply adjacent to the existing bridge. In August 2022, Transport awarded the construction tender to civil engineering specialists Abergeldie Pty Ltd.

Artist impression of the new Mandagery Creek Bridge
Construction update
Demolition of the existing bridge and construction of the new bridge will start late September 2022. The project will be staged so that, at most times, one lane of traffic will open to traffic while construction takes place.
Initially, the northern side of the bridge will be demolished to allow the first half of the bridge to be built. The traffic will then be moved onto the new half of the bridge allowing the southern side of the bridge to be demolished and built.
It is expected that the new bridge will be open to traffic by mid 2024, weather permitting.
Construction impacts
While construction is carried out, one lane of the bridge will remain open to allow traffc to travel across the creek. Temporary traffc lights will be installed and speed restrictions will be in place, with delays of up to 5 minutes possible. Vehicles over 3.5m wide will not be able to travel across the bridge during this time. A detour via Cudal will be in place.
Heavy machinery will be used which will generate noise during working hours. We will try to keep this to a minimum by switching machinery off when not in use.
We will be establishing a site office at Honan Reserve on the Henry Parkes Way. This means that the Reserve will be closed to the community until the bridge construction is complete and the construction team has left the site.
In addition, there will be up to ten weekends next year where the bridge will be closed in both directions to allow for essential concrete pouring and construction work. A detour via Cudal will be in place. We will notify the community two weeks in advance of these closures and advise the community to monitor our website and electronic signage on the road for the latest information.
We thank you for your patience while these essential works are undertaken.