NSW Reconstruction Authority
The NSW Reconstruction Authority (formally Resilience NSW) will be in Eugowra for accommodation advice, mental health and wellbeing services, support for businesses and farmers, and financial assistance.

Eugowra Bowling Club, Hill Street, Eugowra

Wednesday 1 February and Thursday 2 February from 10am to 3pm

Eugowra Showground, Noble Street, Eugowra

Friday 3 February from 9.30am to 2.30pm
Cabonne Waste Management Facilities
All Cabonne tips are operating as per usual.
The Eugowra tip opening hours are now back to normal, being Tuesday & Saturday, 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm.
Eugowra's regular kerbside collection service resumed on Wednesday, 23 November 2022 and will operate to its usual schedule.
Do you need a replacement garbage or recycling bin?
Contact Council's Environmental Services team on (02) 6392 3247.