NSW Reconstruction Authority Programs


The NSW Reconstruction Authority (formerly Resilience NSW) is now taking applications for the ‘Pods on Private Property Program’ and expressions of interest for the ‘Damage Assessment Program’.

Pods on Private Property Program
The Pods on Private Property Programwill provide a modular home known as a ‘pod’ on private property for up to two years, as medium-term housing for eligible flood-affected residents in the Cabonne Shire.


Above: Examples of the pods

Damage Assessment Program

The Damage Assessment Program provides eligible flood-affected homeowners in Cabonne with access to general assessments by NSW Public Works to determine if their home is repairable and access demolition services.     


Once an application or EO is submitted, an assessment and eligibility process takes place to approve access to the program on a needs basis. NSW Reconstruction Authority endeavour to prioritise program access based on a variety of individual and family needs, and vulnerability assessments.

To submit an application for the Pods on Private Property Program or EOI for the Damage Assessment Program, email the NSW Reconstruction Authority Housing Taskforce: housingtaskforce@resilience.nsw.gov.au

You can download the fact sheets for each program below.

Pods-on-Private-Property-Fact-Sheet.pdf(PDF, 209KB)
Damage-Assessment-Program-Fact-Sheet.pdf(PDF, 101KB)

Pods on Private Property Fact-Sheet_1.png
Pods on Private Property Fact-Sheet_2.png
Pods on Private Property Fact-Sheet_3.png






Damage Assessment Program Fact-Sheet_1.png
Damage Assessment Program Fact-Sheet_2.png