Contact Council

Over the Phone

Council's phone number is: (02) 6392 3200

Individual Departments can be contacted by following the voice prompts. To skip the voice prompts please use the following options:

Rates, please press 1
Infrastructure, such as Transport, Roads, and Urban Services, please press 2
Planning, Development and Building Inspections, please press 3
Waste, Recycling, Ranger Services, Cemeteries and Weeds, please press 4

For all other matters or assistance directing your call, please press 0.

For any after-hours emergencies please call: (02) 6392 3234


Complete the below form to send a message to Cabonne Council. 

Click here to view form.

By Email

You can email Council by directing your email to

In Person

You can visit Council's offices at the following addresses:

General Enquires Administrative Office
99 - 101 Bank St, Molong NSW 2866

Engineering and Technical Services Office
16 Main St, Cudal NSW 2864

Cabonne Home Support (CHS) (includes Cashier services)
39 Blatchford St, Canowindra NSW 2804 (Masonic Lodge)

By Post

Council's postal address is:

PO Box 17

Molong, NSW 2866