The NSW Government’s $170 million Drought Stimulus Package aims to mitigate the employment and income impacts of the current drought in regional NSW by delivering economic stimulus. Following the initial investment in fast-tracked local infrastructure projects, a number of other stimulus measures are now being rolled out. Funding is now available to support the costs of organising and running country shows in drought and bushfire impacted areas of regional NSW.
The aim is to deliver economic stimulus and boost the liveability of communities in drought and bushfire affected areas by providing funding as a sponsorship package for country shows in 2020.
A sponsorship package of up to $5,000 is available for each country show held in 2020.
Shows that are combining with other shows from the surrounding area may be granted a higher amount if requested. Initially, priority will be given to shows being held in the first half of 2020.
How to apply:
Eligible applicants can submit a simple application form through SmartyGrants Country Show Sponsorship - Smartygrants
Information required includes:
•Country Show name
•Funding amount requested
•How the drought/bushfire has impacted the community’s ability to hold the show(s)
•An itemised breakdown of the proposed activities, goods or service to be funded.
Applicants who are successful in receiving sponsorship funding will be required to provide a copy of the Show’s Public Liability Insurance.
At the completion of the project, applicants will be required to provide a brief report on the description of activities that were funded; evidence of how the funding was spent; and evidence of acknowledgement of the NSW Government as a show sponsor.